Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/121

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not at all because of any ability on his part, but because it is of all things the easiest to prepare. I will not consume space with a verbatim transcription of his comments upon the other dishes. They were nothing more than a collision between the multiplication table and the phrase “I told you so,” and wholly uncalled-for, in view of the fact that he had the sardines — which were all he asked for in the beginning.

That evening, much to my relief, Galvin came again into her own. I had no further craving for the kitchen. It is a bourne in which no caviler re-burns, and I felt that I could never forget those eggs. Newton deduced the force of gravitation from the fall of an apple, and James Watt the principles of steam locomotion from observation of a tea-kettle. In like manner, I am persuaded, did Master Peter Cooper evolve from an attempt to fry eggs without a lump of butter the possibilities of glue. Not the ultimate possibilities,