Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/124

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but the one I’m speaking of — though she was really no relation at all — used to say herself that it seemed as if — which shows my feelings wasn’t unnatural — not that I mean to say but what — but then, she wasn’t, except by marriage, which can’t be called a relation —though I felt as if — and seeing that she was so intelligent — I couldn’t be blamed for feeling — not that I ever claimed — but if she had been my niece — “

As the butcher called regularly once in every twenty-four hours, it will readily be seen that Galvin was more than apt to be interrupted by his coming before she had made much progress along these lines. As for my part in the conversation, if I was to come in at all, it could only be after she had gone out. The sixth side of the Galvin octagon was anecdotical.

So I came to having a daily chat with Darius, and almost the first thing I discovered was that what the pole-star is to the mariner,