Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/143

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The rake was passive in the left hand of Darius, and the mouth-organ somewhat more than active in his right, while, by way of adding dissonance to discord, the air upon which he was engaged was Galvin’s adagio rendering of “Bonnie Dundee.” Thenceforward I numbered this among the most malignant of the contagious diseases.

“Darius,” said I.

The marshalled host of freckles made way obsequiously, and from their ranks emerged his familiar and disarming smile. But this time I was like adamant.

“Yessir?” he answered.

“You play a good deal upon the mouth-organ,” I observed.

“I’ll perlay more w’en I git de reel hang uvvit,” said Darius.

“Now, Heaven forfend!” I ejaculated inwardly; adding, aloud:

“And Miss Berrith tells me you learn considerable poetry by heart.”