Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/148

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was with a curious and most uncomfortable sense of having forgotten to learn the collect for the day.

“He did,” Galvin was saying, “and if I do make the remark — and of course I know I have no right — but I cannot, I cannot see injustice done — the way you have treated him is a crying shame — we all have our faults —but he was working for his bread and butter — indeed, it is few enough of us ever sees the butter — but that’s always the way — the rich against the poor — and if I do say it — ”

“No, don’t say it, Galvin,” I interrupted. “I have no doubt but what you are quite right. You needn’t wait. I will give Darius the answer myself.”

Galvin had showed her seventh side. It was the chivalric, with a touch of the socialistic.

Darius was at the door. When he saw me his inevitable smile broke forth. I think he had more freckles than on the preceding day.