Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/194

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I shied at the word itself like a horse at something seen dimly in the dark, but it was not to be denied. Letter by letter, it mastered me, as if I had been a child playing with alphabetical blocks, until I came to know its form and meaning in something after the following manner:

L is for Loneliness, bitter and blue;
That, sir, is what is the matter with you.
O is for One, and, experience taught of,
Now you can see that is all you have thought of.
V is for Vanity. You have your share:
Yes, and a generous portion to spare.
E is for Egotist. Proof there is ample
That you needn’t look far if you’re seeking a sample.

Each letter thus taught me a humiliating lesson, but when I came to string them together I learned the greatest lesson of all.

Yes, I was in love. I had as soon looked to