Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/94

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doubtfully. “He has many accomplishments, but I am not sure that they are precisely applicable to the situation. He is very expert upon the mouth-organ.”

“That is hardly in the line of your needs, I suppose,” said Miss Berrith gravely, “but I am very glad you could give him the place. It is always a satisfaction to feel that one is helping another to earn a livelihood.”

“His is the liveliesthood,” said I, “that ever a boy earned yet.”

“Still, it is steady work,” observed Miss Berrith.

“If only you could see it!” I exclaimed.

“I mean,” she answered, with a little smile, “that he was only doing odd jobs before he came to you.”

“He has been doing odder ones ever since,” said I. “But I must thank you for thinking of me.”

“That reminds me that I owe you an apology,” said Miss Berrith. “I met Galvin