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Some Customs of the Common People.
Cents. Cents.
Red beans, per lb. 1.33 Artichokes, per lb. 1.29
Yellow beans, per lb. 1.87 White beans, dry, per lb. 4.30
Peanuts, per lb. 2.49 Radishes, per lb. 1.29
Ground nuts, per lb. 2.96 Garlic, per lb. 2.15
Cucumbers, per lb. 2.58 Kohl rabi, per lb. 2.15
Green pumpkin, per lb. 1.62 Mint, per lb. 4.30
Maize, shelled, per lb. 1.00 Leeks, per lb. 2.13
Windsor beans, dry, per lb. 1.72 Large celery, bleached, bunch 2.10
French lettuce, per head .44 Sprouted peas, per lb. .80
Hau Tsai, per head .87 Sprouted beans, per lb. .93
Cabbage lettuce, per head .22 Parsnips, per lb. 1.29
Kale, per lb. 1.60 Ginger roots, per lb. 1.60
Rape, per lb. .23 Water chestnuts, per lb 1.33
Portuguese water cress, basket 2.15 Large sweet potatoes, per lb. 1.33
Shang tsor, basket 8.60 Small sweet potatoes, per lb. 1.00
Carrots, per lb. .97 Onion sprouts, per lb. 2.13
String beans, per lb. 1.60 Spinach, per lb. 1.00
Irish potatoes, per lb. 1.60 Fleshy stemmed lettuce, peeled, per lb. 2.00
Red onions, per lb. 4.96 Fleshy stemmed lettuce, unpeeled, per lb. .67
Long white turnips, per lb. .44 Bean curd, per lb. 3.93
Flat string beans, per lb. 4.80 Shantung walnuts, per lb. 4.30
Small white turnips, bunch .44 Duck eggs, dozen 8.34
Onion stems, per lb. 1.29 Hen's eggs, dozen 7.30
Lima beans, green, shelled, lb. 6.45 Goat's meat, per lb. 6.45
Egg plants, per lb 4.30 Pork, per lb. 6.88
Tomatoes, per lb. 5.16 Hens, live weight, per lb. 6.45
Small flat turnips, per lb. .86 Ducks, live weight, per lb. 5.59
Small red beets, per lb. 1.29 Cockerels, live weight, per lb. 5.59

This long list, made up chiefly of fresh vegetables displayed for sale on one market day, is by no means complete. The record is only such as was made in passing down one side and across one end of the market occupying nearly one city block. Nearly everything is sold by weight and the problem of correct weights is effectively solved by each purchaser carrying his own scales, which he unhesitatingly uses in the presence of the dealer. These scales are made on the pattern of the old time steelyards but from slender rods of wood or bamboo provided with a scale and sliding poise, the suspensions all being made with strings.

We stood by through the purchasing of two cockerels and the dickering over their weight. A dozen live birds were under cover in a large, open-work basket. The customer took out the birds one by one, examining them by touch, finally selecting two, the price being named. These the dealer tied together by their feet and weighed them, announcing the result; whereupon the customer checked the statement with his own scales. An animated dialogue