Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/131

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Thorough Young Lady—Haven't you got these in a bigger size?

Philip—Yes, ma'am. [Puts out another box.] These are bigger.

Thorough Young Lady—Are these the very largest?

Philip—[Indicating others in the same box.] Those are larger.

Thorough Young Lady—Are these the largest you carry?

Philip—There is no larger handkerchief made, ma'am. [He opens an enormous handkerchief.]

Juhasz—[Impatiently.] Do you want these socks or not?

Oscar—It's enough to break your heart! Why doesn't he show her the Rumbergers?

Juhasz—He knows what he's doing. [Impatiently.] Please don't take up any more of my time. You can have these if you want them.

Oscar—These shoddy things!

Juhasz—I can't be bothered with you any longer.

Oscar—You can't palm them off on any customer, yet you expect me to take them. Why, they are the worst quality in the shop! [The Dissatisfied Lady enters.]

Juhasz—Good morning. [Leaving Oscar, he goes to the back counter.]

Dissatisfied Lady—[Joins Juhasz.] Good