Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/152

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Paula—It seems to me it was called "Exquisite heur." A very strong, sensuous perfume. A perfume for bad women.


Paula—At least you said only bad women would use it, and even they . . . only for . . . the most intimate occasions.

Juhasz—[Wincing.] Yes, I have some left.

Paula—I'll have a bottle, please. . . . Two bottles. . . .

Juhasz—You are a bit cruel, Paula. You might at least have bought that somewhere else.

Paula—I'd rather buy it here.

Juhasz—As you like. [To Oscar.] The lady wants some perfume. [Oscar takes his place.] That penetrating stuff. . . . Exquisite heur. [Sharply.] That perfume for harlots! [To the Patient Lady.] What can I show you, madame?

Oscar—Yes, sir.

Patient Lady—I'd like to look at some scarfs, Mr. Juhasz. And a nice sweater.

Juhasz—Shall we look at the sweaters first? [Indicates the archway.] Will you step in here, please? [She exits through the archway. He follows her. Paula stares thoughtfully after them.]

Oscar—[Shrilly.] Exquisite heur?