Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/156

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Philip—[Joins in loudly.] }
This isn't expensive at all, if you}
consider the quality. . . . }
Oscar. . . to try this size. }
It doesn't matter if they fit a bit}
easy. Better that way than too }
snug. }
Philip—You can't get quality }
without paying for it. We have }
a customer, an old gentleman, }
who always says "The cheapest }
is dearest in the long run." }
And he's quite right. I believe }
that if you. . . . }
                                   }[Loudly and simultaneously.]
Oscar—Or we will stick to the }
eight and a half if you like. }
They aren't so very tight. Some }
people prefer them that way. }
It's all a matter of taste. }
Juhasz—[Joins in shrilly.] }
This is pure lamb's wool and that }
makes it warmer than another }
scarf twice its weight. . . . And }
it's fashionable too. . . . We }
carry all the plain colors, but the}
striped ones come only in two }
shades, gray against a black }
ground or . . . }