Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/179

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Arsen—Poor mother! No wonder. Her great-grandmother was a ruling sovereign. Mother can't be reconciled to the fact that that glory's forever ended.


Agi—Yes . . . probably. . . . Nowadays it is very difficult to——

Arsen—But suppose the Heir-Apparent marries Alexandra.

Georg—He won't marry her.

Arsen—How do you know he won't? If he does marry her, Alexandra will be queen some day and we, as her family, will be attached to the Court. And if I know my mother, it won't be Albert who'll do the ruling.

GeorgIf he marries her!

Arsen—He'll marry her.

Georg—Why should he?

Arsen—Because mother wants him to. And because we all want him to,—Aunt Symphorosa, Alexandra herself, I, you, the professor——

Georg—I don't want him to marry her. Do you, professor?

Agi—Indeed . . . there is no station so exalted that her highness, the Princess Alexandra would not grace it.

Georg—Just the same, you don't want her to marry him.

Agi—I? Why do you say that?