Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/21

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Adele—Getting my hat.

Oscar—[Excitedly.] But, my dear, where do you expect to talk to him?

Adele—Now don't get excited. . . . And I told you before you are not to call me dear in the shop.

Oscar—[With a glance through the archway.] He can't hear me. He's up on the ladder. And no matter if he does hear me to-day. You are not going home with him, are you?

Adele—No; I'm only getting my hat.

Oscar—You settle everything with him right here . . . in the shop.

Adele—All right! All right! [Takes off her hat.]

Oscar—[Excitedly.] I won't have you go home with him any more.

Adele—Don't get so excited. I'll talk to him right here. But I have to wait until the customers are gone, haven't I?

Oscar—Yes, certainly. [Nervously resumes his task of clearing the counter.] Forgive me, dear, but I'm awfully nervous. And no wonder.

Adele—I'm nervous, too. But I control myself.

Oscar—I'll be right near you, and if you need me I'll come over. The main thing is to keep cool. Now, of all times, you must be cool.

Adele—Leave everything to me. If I need you I'll call you in.