Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/220

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Alexandra—Yes, mother. [Alfred enters at right.]

Alfred—The professor reports to your highness that their young highnesses have put on their fencing costumes and are awaiting your highness' orders.

Beatrice—The boys are to go to the gymnasium and wait there. The professor is to come in here. [Alfred exits at right. With tears in her eyes, Beatrice turns to Alexandra.] Be strong, my poor, dear child. [Kisses her, presses her hands warmly.] Be strong——[She exits quickly into the garden. For a moment Alexandra is alone, then Agi enters, in fencing costume. In his left hand he holds a fencing mask, in his right a sword. He stands stiff and formal at the door, awaiting orders. There is a pause.]

Alexandra—[Stands down left; speaks without looking at him.] To-night,. . . I understand there will be a rare astronomical spectacle.

Agi—Yes, your highness.

Alexandra—What sort?

Agi—Vega and Capella may be seen to best advantage to-night.

Alexandra—What is . . . Vega?

Agi—The chief star of Lyra. A green star which is a thousand times brighter than the sun.

Alexandra—And the other?

Agi—Capella. A golden star, very beautiful.