Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/232

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chaud non fumant. Le thé doit faire comme couleur absolument l'impression d'un consommé froid.

Alfred—Javoll! Sie können sich bestimmt auf mich verlassen. Alles wird in Ordnung sein.

Cæsar—Vabene mio caro, vabene, vabene, grazia, grazia. [Alfred exits, followed by the two lackeys. The Hussars occupy themselves with the wine buckets and bottles. Cæsar supervises their activities and gives them whispered orders. Meantime Alexandra has entered back left. Behind her, almost beside her, comes Agi. His demeanor is a curious mixture of deferential formality and blissful intimacy.]


Cæsar—Your highness.

Alexandra—Is supper to be served in here?

Cæsar—Yes, your highness. The guests will be served at small tables in the yellow salon. His royal highness and the family in here. Her highness, your mother, was here just a moment ago.

Alexandra—Oh, then everything has been looked after. How soon will supper be served?

Cæsar—In seventeen minutes. Has your highness any orders?

Alexandra—Nothing, thank you. [Cæsar returns to the wine buckets. At his signal the Hussars exit. During the following scene Cæsar is very busy between the serving table and the supper table. But he is listening.]