Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/254

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Hyacinth—[Takes Alexandra's glass.] And I had just finished saying that one doesn't drink this wine so fast.

Albert—It's plain to see why Xara did it.


Albert—To keep the professor in countenance.

Beatrice—It was quite unnecessary. You never take any wine.

Alexandra—I do to-night, mother. [To Albert.] Albert . . . see that this old professor gets some appointment. Waldbrott—that was his name, wasn't it?


Albert—If you wish it—I can write to Berlin. Please, Wunderlich, make a note of it.

Wunderlich—[Writes in his notebook.] I am making a note of it, your highness.

Alexandra—What sort of appointment can one get for a man like that?

Agi—That's just it—none at all.

Albert—Surely the Emperor can do something for him.

Agi—Hardly, your highness. The man serves a greater lord.

Albert—A greater lord than the Emperor?

Agi—One much greater. [Points upwards.] He is an astronomer.