Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/263

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we have come to. Here we are. [Reproachfully.] How do you like it?

Alexandra—Come here.

Hyacinth—[Goes to her.] Well?

Alexandra—Sit down here. [He does so.]


Alexandra—Now ask me again how I like it.

Hyacinth—How do you like it?

Alexandra—[On his shoulder, low.] Hyacinth . . . I like it very much.

Hyacinth—[Astonished.] Upon my soul! The thing is worse than I thought. [Moves nearer to her.]

Alexandra—[Still on his shoulder.] Hyacinth . . . dear Hyacinth . . . I . . . I. . . .

Hyacinth—Well, my child? What is it? Out with it!

Alexandra—Hyacinth . . . that glass of wine . . . it was the first I ever drank in my life, too.

Hyacinth—For a first drink it was a hearty one.

Alexandra—[With a glance at Agi.] For his sake, Hyacinth. So that they wouldn't laugh at him.

Hyacinth—Fancy that! You amaze me. And how did it taste?

Alexandra—[Delighted.] Made me . . . fuddled . . . and warm. . . . I wish I could die like