Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/280

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tinent little upstart. [With a little shriek of dismay Alexandra throws herself in front of Agi. She is highly excited.] Don't answer him, Hans. [Looks at him.] I forbid it. [Raises her voice.] Hans! [For a moment she hesitates, looks at Albert, then throws herself on Agi, embraces him passionately, kisses him and rests a moment against his chest. On the thresholds of the four doors the people stand as follows: At left, Symphorosa; at right, two lackeys with candles, and Luetzen; back right, Wunderlich alone. At the moment of the kiss they all withdraw slowly. Hyacinth does not go. He only takes a few steps backwards. Alexandra releases Agi, stands a moment stiff and staring, then leans half fainting against the edge of the table.]

Albert—[Lightly, softly, ironically.] Oh! That's different. Quite different. In that case. . . I beg your pardon, Professor. [Makes a military bow to Alexandra and Agi.] Good night. [He exits at right. There is a pause. Symphorosa enters at left and leads the half swooning Alexandra gently, tenderly off back left. When they both have gone, Hyacinth approaches Agi gravely, almost threateningly, stops in front of him and kisses him suddenly. Smiling graciously, Hyacinth hurries off at left. Agi stares after him.]