Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/37

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it packed up for you at once. Excuse me, excellency. [Hurries off through the archway.]

Count—[Stares after him in amazement; does not speak until he is gone.] What an extraordinary fellow!

Juhasz—[With an apologetic smile.] He is always in a hurry.

Count—[Comes affectionately close to Juhasz.] Business bad, eh? [Juhasz looks quickly at Adele.] Yes, she told me.

Adele—I didn't think we had any secrets from his——

Juhasz—From his excellency? No. But I don't like to have you complain——

Count—She didn't complain. She only answered my questions.

Juhasz—Well, there are a few difficulties, but . . . we'll overcome them somehow. We shan't go into bankruptcy.

Count—I should hope not.

Juhasz—We've worked faithfully . . . but one can't expect the sun to shine all the time. There must be cloudy days, too. But they pass.

Count—[Affectionately.] I should be offended if my friend Juhasz were in trouble and didn't tell me. Well? You must tell me.

Juhasz—No real trouble, your excellency. I have