Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/46

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Juhasz—Younger, better looking . . .

Adele—Do you know who it is?

Juhasz—I don't want to know.

Adele—I don't want to hurt you again . . . but you must soon find out.

Juhasz—Soon find out? [A brief pause.]


Juhasz—Oscar . . . our Oscar?

Adele—Yes. [A pause.]

Juhasz—So that . . . so that. . . .

Adele—[Ardently.] I love him, Peter, and he adores me. And we are leaving the city. . . . You will never hear of us again.

Juhasz—Oscar. . . .

Adele—All the time we've been here together, like one big family, we could have done things behind your back. But a man like you. . . . We couldn't bring ourselves to deceive you. Oscar couldn't either. He loves you like a brother.

Juhasz—I know . . . you are both devoted to me.

Adele—We are going to Berlin. There a new life awaits us . . . but that's something you can't understand, because there is no spirit of adventure in you. . . . To escape from this cage . . . out into the wide world . . . to try our luck . . . and find wealth, perhaps . . . and power. . . . Let me call him in!

Juhasz—If you like.