Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/71

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Juhasz—[Begins in a matter-of-fact way, but gradually his voice grows more sorrowful until, in the end, it is trembling with suppressed sobs.] In here are two keys. This one winds up the wheels when you want the ship to run along the floor. This one winds up the propeller. See . . . that is the propeller. It makes the ship move through the water . . . if there is any water. The thing to remember is that you mustn't turn the key backwards, for then the spring unwinds. And when you wind it, you must wind it very slowly, just as you wind a watch, very slowly. . . . [He turns the key three times while Adolf watches absorbedly. Nothing is heard but the click of the turning cog-wheels as the curtain slowly, almost imperceptibly, falls.]