Page:Fashions for Men And The Swan Two Plays (NY 1922).pdf/76

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Mate—I was home . . . sick, excellency. And Mr. Juhasz. . . .

Domokos—You were seen in a beer garden in Budapest three different times.

Count—That will do, Mate. Wait out there until you are sent for. Mr. Juhasz will attend to you.

Mate—Excellency, I give you my word—— [Santha is seen crossing the garden from right to left.]

Count—That will do, Mate. [Mate exits at left. The Count rises.] Thank you, Domokos. Let me have the rest of your report this afternoon. . . . I am busy now. Leave that letter here. [Rings.] Where is Juhasz?

Domokos—I saw him down near the hothouses. I think he's feeding the pigeons.


Domokos—Yes, sir. [He exits at left as Paula enters at right.]

Paula—Good morning!

Count—Good morning, sunbeam. Quick, quick. We can talk now. Your duenna is away . . . feeding the pigeons.

Paula—Your excellency is always saying unkind things about Mr. Juhasz. [She sits at the typewriting machine.]