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English Texts Copyright, 1922, by Benjamin Glazer, N. Y. German Texts, Copyright, 1921, by M. Bard, Vienna.

CAUTION—All persons are hereby warned that the plays published in this volume are fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States and all foreign countries, and are subject to royalty, and anyone presenting any of said plays without the consent of the Author or his recognized agents, will be liable to the penalties by law provided. Applications for the acting rights of "Fashions for Men" must be made to the Modern Theatre Corporation, 17 East 45th Street, New York City.

 Printed in the United States of America

First printing, November, 1922.
Second printing, November, 1923.
Third printing, February, 1924.
Fourth printing, May, 1924.
Fifth printing, November, 1924