Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/194

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RiCHASi^ CorKTKXEY, dean of St. Asaph, was clcctod 27th May 1410; confintie^i 19th Juno, and in 1413 \n-as

niado bisliop of Xormch-.

Thomas Kaknkkv. waj? ekvUni in H^o- '^'^^^ *^^^^^ "^ September the same year'\

Waitvk ]VfK.TFORr> or Mfpfotsp was confirnuHi in this dignity 8th Nov. 1413, and died in 1423. His will, date^i 15th Deo. 1421% wa* proved 14th July 1423'^.

JoHX Stafford, LL.D.. was confirmed 9th Sept. 1423 ; and 27th May 1425 was consecrat<?d bishop of this see".

JoHx FoRRFST wa.s Confirmed 19th Xov. 1425. He dieii 25th March 1441. and was buried in the cathe<iral^.

JoHX DE LA Bkrf or Delavfrf. ahas Daijrfrd. hish^op of St. Darid'^. held tliis deanen* for a short time ; but he never wa installed^.

Nicholas Carekt was elected 22nd Aug. 1446. soon aft-er the death of Forrest. Oarent died possessed of it 31x1 May 14671'^. His will is dat^ni 15th April, and was proved 2nd Nov. 1467.

Hexry Webber wa* dean for a sliort time after the death of Nicholas Oarent ^^

William With am. LL.D.. succeeded in 1469. and died 16th July 1472. He wa* buried in the cathedral near bisliop Kalph of Shrewsbury ^"^.

JoHX GrxTHORT. S.T.B,, archd'fai'-oti of !s;j', was dected 18th Dec. 1472. and confirmed 19th Jan. fol- lowing^. He died 25th June 1498, and was buried in the cathedral near bishop Drokeuesford.

William Cosyx, arcMeacm of Bath, was elected 25th

��" Reg. Bubbewyth. '^ Reg. Wdlen. One authority

^ Ibid. Rrmej, vol, is. p. 15. states that he died 6th Jiily.

< Reg. Bubbewrth. -*' God^. p. 3SS.

s Reg. Chicil. fol. 360. if Reg. WeUen.

  • Ibid. 361. 11 Anffl. Sacra, pars i. p. 590.

Pat. 3 Hen. VI. p. i. m. S. 12 Reg. StilKngton.

Rec. WeUen. i-*^ Ibid.

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