��Simon Fitz-Robert, about 1199^ He was archdea- con 29th Sept.^ He was also provost of Beverley.
Hugh de Wells, 1204-^.
Hugh de Nevill, archdeacon of Wells, witnessed a charter in 1208^.
AViLLiAM DE Bardenay, about 1210'.
William de Bitton or Buttox, 1 243^. Bishop of this see in 1248.
AVilliam de Bittok or Buttox, nephew to the former, succeeded in this dignity in 1248". He became also bishop of this see in 1267^.
Peter de Chaceporc held it 6th Nov. 12509.
Thomas de Button, 1263, 1266^'^.
Walter Giffard, chancellor of England, succeeded Thomas de Button 3rd March 1267^^
Walter Haselshawe, I 285I-. Dean in 1295. Bishop in 13021-3.
Peter de Insula had letters of protection iithDec. 1295 and 2Hth May ik^^^^^.
Thomas de Cherlton, 1304. He resigned in 1326^^.
Wibert de Littleton, 1326^^.
Robert de Wamberg17, 1326^^.
Simon Montague, 13291^.
Thomas de Upton, 15th Oct. 1332'^^.
Roger Mortimer, 1333 -^
��1 Dugd. Warw. p. 478.
2 Cart. I Joh. Pat. 2 Joh. m. 10.
^ Dugd. Warw. p. 478. Cart. 6 Joh. m. 7.
^ Pat. 9 John m. 5. in dorso.
^ Reg. Wellen.
6 Ibid.
" Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 70.
8 Pat. 51 Hen. III. m. 24.
9 Pat. 35 Hen. III. m. 14.
10 Cartul. Glaston. MS. f. 72. Reg. GifFard. Pat. 50 Hen. III. 4th April.
" Pat. 51 Hen. III. mm. 24,22.
��'2 Reg. Priorat. de Lenton.MS.
13 Lett. N". 1833 in Turr. Lond.
i-i Pat. 24 Edw. I.
15 Reg. Wellen.
1*5 Reg. Drokenesford.
1 Rob. de Wamberg in partes transmarinas ad prosequend. pres. suam ad archidiac. Well, habet Lett, de Protect, i ith Ma)'. Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. I.
1*^ Reg. Drokenesford.
I!' Pat. 3 Edw. HI. p. i.m. 10.
20 Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. 2.01.36.
21 Reg. Wellen.
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