and he was elected 13th Nov. 1589, confirmed 12th Dec., and consecrated on the 14th of the same month[1]. He was enthroned 3rd Jan. following. He was translated to Worcester in 1593.
The see having been void, after the translation of bishop Fletcher, about ten years, a congé d'élire issued 23rd May 1603, in pursuance of which 603 John Thornborough, bishop of Limerick and dean of York^^, Jac. I. was elected to Bristol 30th May 1603. He obtained the royal assent to his election 4th July, and was confirmed on the 12th of the same month ^^. The temporalities were 'restored to him 12th Aug. '9, and he was enthroned on the 23rd of the same month ; on 25th Jan. 1616-17 he was translated to Worcester. A conge d'elire on the promotion of bishop Thorn- borough issued 27th Feb. 1616-172*^, in pursuance of which 617 Nicholas Felton, S.I.T)., president of Pembroke Hall, Jac. I. Cambridge, was elected 4th March 161 6-17, and had the royal assent 9th June'-i. He was confirmed 13th Dec. following and consecrated the next day"-'^, but the temporalities were not restored to him till 9th Jan. 161 7-18 '^3. He was translated to Ely in 161 9-**. The license to elect a successor to bishop Felton issued 12th March 1618-19-^, in pursuance of w^hich 619 Rowland Searchfield, S.T.B., was elected 18th Jac. I. March 1618-19, ^"^ received the royal assent 20th April26. He was confirmed 7th May 161 9; consecrated on the 9th -7, and obtained the temporalities on the 28th of the same month-**. He died nth Oct. 1622, and was buried in Bristol cathedral-^.
21 ibid. No. 2.
15 Pat. I Jac. I. p. 8. 22 Reg. Abbot, fol. 96.
16 He held the deanery in com- 23 p^t. 15 Jac. I. p. 25. N^. i. mendam after his translation. 24 Reg. Abbot, fol. 138.
'" Pat. I Jac. I. p. 8 ; ib. p. -^ Pat. 16 Jac. I. p. 14. No. 6.
18. m. 3; ib. p. 12. in dorso. 26 p^t. i^ Jac. I. p. 14. No. 5.
'8 Reg. Whitg. pars iii. fol. 72. 27 Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 22.
19 Pat. I Jac. I. p. 8. 28 Pat. 17 Jac. I. p. 14. No. 4.
20 Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 25. No. 3. 29 Ex Epitaphio.
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- ↑ Reg. Whitg. fol. 62.