Richard Thompson, S.T. P., was installed i2tli Feb.
1683-496. He died 29th Nov. 1685, and was Vjuried in
the cathedral. William Levett, S.T. P., was instituted in Dec.
1 685 9^, and installed 10th Jan. 1685-6, and died
loth Feb. 1 693-49^, aetat. 50. George Royse, S.T.P., was instituted the 7th, and
mstalled loth March 1693-4^9. JJe died in April
1708, and was buried in Oriel college chapel, Oxford. Robert Boothe, S.T. P., was instituted the 15th, and
installed 20th June 1708^ He died 7th Aug. 1730. Samuel Creswick, 5th Sept. 1730'-. Made dean of
Wells 22nd Nov. 1739-^ Ob. 15th Feb. 1746. Thomas Chamberlayne, 19th Dec. I739^ vice Sa- muel Creswick resigned on being made dean of Wells.
Ob. 15th Sept. 1757. William Warisurton, 15th Oct. 1757^. Promoted to
the bishopric of Gloucester 22nd Dec. 1759. Samuel Squire, 13th June 1760 6. Francis Ayscough, 30th May 1761". Ob. 16th Aug.
1763. CuTTs Barton, 19th Oct. 1763 s. Ob. loth Dec.
1780. John Hallam, 22nd Feb. 17819. Appointed canon of
Windsor. Charles Peter Layard, appointed in March 1800^^.
Ob. nth April 1803, setat. ^^. Bowyer Edward Sparke, 21st May 1803 i^. John Parsons, 5th Feb. i8io^'2. Henry Beeke, D.D., 30th Dec. 181313. Ob. 9th March
1837, setat. 86.
��96 Reg. Dec. et Capit. 4 Bishops' Certificates.
97 Bisho])s' Certificates. s Ibid. ^ Jbid. !8 Ex Epitaph. 7 ibid. 8 ibid. 99 Reg. Dec. et Capit. ! Ibid. '( Ibid.
1 Bishops' Certificates. "Ibid. 12 Ibid.
2 Ibid. 3 Ibid.
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