1369 William Reade, S.T.P., provost of Windham, was pro- j3 Ed, III. motecl to this see by papal provision ; the bull is dated v Id. Oct. (nth Octob.) 1368, and the tempo- ralities were restored to him 9th June 1369 6. He died J 8th Aug. 1385. His will is dated ist Aug. 1382, and was proved 4th Nov. 13857. The license to elect a successor to bishop Reade issued 17th Sept.
1386 Thomas Rushooke, bishop ofLlandaff^ was translated to ) Ric. II. Chichester 16th Oct. 1385^; the custody of the tempo- ralities was committed to him 6th Dec. foUowingi^, and they were restored to him fully 26th March 1386 ^J. In 1388 he was deprived of his see^, but was ap- pointed by the Pope bishop of Kilmore [Triburna] 1 '. 1389 Richard Mitford, archdeacon of Norfolk^ was nomi- 2 Ric. II. nated by the Pope 17th Nov. 1388, and made his profession of obedience 7th May 1389 1-^; but the tem- porahties were not restored till loth March 1389-90^^. He was translated to Salisbury 25th Oct. 1395^^. . 1396 Robert Waldby, archbishop of Dublin, was translated [9 Ric. II. to Chichester in 1395, and obtained the temporalities 4th Feb. 1395-517; in the following year he was pro- moted to York by papal bull dated 5th Oct. 13961^.
6 Pat. 43 Ed. III. p. 2. m. 7. God and of holy church and the
7 Reg. Court, fol. 213. salvation of the state of the pre-
8 Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. I. m. 38. lacy and the safety of the laws of
9 Reg. Court, fol. 320. the realm." Afterwards in the 1" Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. I. m. 10. same parliament it was ordained " Ibid. p. 2. m. 23. that the said bishop of Chiches- 12 In the parhament of the ter should be sent to Ireland for
nth of Richard II, Thomas the remainder of his life, and to
bishop of Chichester the King's have a pension of 50 marks a
confessor was convicted and at- year, if any of his friends would
tainted of high treason : the sen- give it to him. Walsingham,
tence was, that he and his heirs p. 333.
should be disinherited for ever : '-^ Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 20.
his lands and chattels forfeited, ^^ Reg. Court, fol. 325.
and his temporalities taken into > Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 20.
the King's hands. "Touching the i^ Pat. 19 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 34.
person of the bishop, the lords 17 Ibid.
temporal will be advised how '^ Orig. in Turr. Lond. Boni-
they may act for the honor of face IX. N". 9.
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