John Longworth^ S.T.P., was collated 30th April
1580'^^. He resigned in 1586. William Stone, S.T.B., was collated 15th Nov. 158629 Henry Ball, S.T.P., was installed i2tli April 1596^*^'
He resigned before his death. Ob. 30th March 1603-4 Thomas Paterson was installed 9th March 1603-4 -^^ Roger Andrews was installed 23rd Feb. 1607-83'
Ob. 1635. Laurence Pay succeeded to this archdeaconry in
1635. James Marsh, S.T.P., held this office in 1639. Died
in 1643. Henry Hammond, S.T.P., succeeded in 1643. He
died 25th April 1660, and was buried at Hampton in
Worcestershire ^3. Jasper Mayne succeeded 2nd July 1660. He died 6th
Dec. 1672, and was buried in Chrisfs Church, Oxon. Oliver Whitby, A.M., was installed 23rd Dec.
16723-'. JosiAs Pleydell, collated 4th Sept. 1679; ^^^^ ^^'
stalled 3rd Oct. 1679. James Barker, A.M., was collated 12th Feb. 1707-8,
and installed on the 14th of the same month 3^. Thomas Ball, 7th Sept. 1736^6. Thomas Hollingrery, 10th June 17713". Ob. ist
Aug. 1792. John Buckner, 3rd Oct. 17923*^. Charles Alcock, 29th April 1 802^9. Thomas Taylor, 12th Oct. 1803^0, Ob. 4th Jan. 1808. Charles Webber, 5th March 1808^1.
Henry Edward Manning, 30th Dec. 1 840, vice Charles Webber4-^.
��28 Reg. Cicestren. 35 Reg. Cicestren.
29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 36 Bishops' Certificates.
31 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid.
33 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. 1. ii. 39 ibid. 40 ibid, p. 203. -11 Ibid. -^ Ibid.
34 Reg. Cicestren.
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