Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/415

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��BISHOPS. 373

he was made a second time'^*^ treasurer of the exche- quer 99. He died at BishopVChst 23rd Dec. 1394 \ and was buried in Exeter cathedral-. His will, dated 13th Dec. 1394, vvas proved on the 30th of the same month ^. The license to elect a successor to Thomas de Brantingham bears the date of 26th Jan. 1394-5^. ^1395 Edmund Stafford, LL.D., keeper of the privy seal, i8Ric. II. -was made bishop by papal bull, date xviii Cal. Febr. 1394 (15th Jan. 1394-5). The royal assent was given 15th March 13945; and the custody of the tempo- ralities granted to him as bishop elect 16th May '395^ ^"^ plenary restitution of them made to him as bishop 24th June 7, he having been consecrated at Lambeth four days before, viz., Sunday 20th June^. He was chancellor of England in 13969 and 14011'^, He died at Bishops-Clist, and his body was brought to Exeter to be buried ^i 3rd Sept. 141 9. His will, dated 24th July 141 8, was proved iSth Sept. 141 9 1-. The license to elect a prelate in the room of bishop Stafford issued 30th Sept. 1419^3; b^^ 141 9 John Cathik or Catterike, bishop of Liclijicld and 7 Hen. V. Coventry, then at the papal court, was postulated to this see by bull dated xii Cal. Dec. (20th Nov.) 141 9^^^ The King, however, in a letter to the Pope dated ist Dec. 1419^6^ states that Catrik had been unanimously

98 His first appointment 27th 10 Claus. 2 Hen. IV. p. i. m. June 1369. Pat. 43 Edw. HI. 3. in dorso.

p. 2. m. 37. 1' HicjacetEdmiindusdeStaf-

'^9 Pat. I Ric. H. p. I. m. 27. ford intumulatus,

1 His death is also placed on Quondam profundus Legum 3rd Dec. Doctor reputatus,

2 Reg. Exon. B. f. i. Verbis facundus, Comitum

3 Lib. Rous, in Cur. Prerog. de stirpe creatus : Cantuar. Foelix et mundus pater hu-

'^ Pat. 18 Ric. n. p. 2. m. 43. jus Pontificatus.

^ Ibid. mm. 19, 5. Leland. Itin. v. 3. p. 32.

6 Ibid. m. 13. '2 Reg. Chichel. fol. 320.

7 Ibid. m. 29. 13 Pat. 7 Hen. V. m. 29.

s Reg. Chicheley. 14 j^gg, Chichel. fol. 8, and

9 Claus. 20 Ric. II. p. I. m. Reg. Exon. fol. 127. 22. in dorso. '<> Pat. 7 Hen. V. m. 12.

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