Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/417

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��Pope that he had assented to the election of Lacy 21. The bull for his translation is dated 3rd July 1420 2-, and he had the restitution of the temporalities 31st Oct. following^-^. He made his profession of obedience 4th Nov.'-% and was installed 29th March 1420-21'-^*, In 1434 he was excused from attending parliament on account of his bodily infirmities -5. He died at Chud- leigh in the beginning of Sept. 1455-^, ^"^ ^^^ buried in the cathedral of Exeter-". His will was proved 8th Oct. i455-. The license to elect a successor to bishop Lacy is dated 8th Oct. 1455-9; but the Pope provided to this see John Hals^ archdeacon of Noricicli^^ and dean of Exeter. He refused the dignity, and the Pope then nominated 1456 George Neville, archdeacon of Northampton, and 34Hen.Vl. brother of the earl of Warwick. The King restored the temporalities to him 21st March 1455 6^1; and

��batur ibidem. Post decessum e- jus postularunt Edm . Lacy, Episc. Herefordensem, qui installatus fuit per Episcopum Saium Do- min. med. XLmse. Scil 29 Mar. 1421.

21 Pat. 8 Hen. V. m. 25.

22 Reg. Chichel. fol. 28. The King, in a letter under his signet, dated 8th Oct. (1420) and ad- dressed to the bishop of Durham, chancellor of England, writes, " We will and charge you, that as soon as ye be certain that the bulls of our holy father the Pope be come, for the translation of the bishop of Hereford unto the church of Exeter, that by our letters to be made under our great seal ye do make restitution of the temporalities of the said bishopric of Exeter unto the said bishop without tarrying."

23 Pat, 8 Hen. V. m. 13.

2-1 A privy seal dated 24th May 1 42 1 was addressed to the bishop of Durham, chancellor.

��stating that Edmund, bishop of Exeter, had done his fealty for his temporalities, and made fine in the Hanaper to have them re- stored : then the chancellor is commanded, " quod dictum Ed- mundum jam episcopum Exon racione fidelitatis suae prsedictae non molestetis in aliquo seu gra- vetis nee molestari seu gravari de ceetero permittatis." Privy seal 9 Hen. V, 2-1* See note 20.

25 Pat. 13 Hen. VI.

26 Le Neve states that he died 1 8th Sept., but the see was va- cant 6th Sept. 1455, (Reg. Bour- chier); and the spiritualities taken into the hands of the archbishop on the 26th of that month. Ibid, fol. 6.

27 Reg. Exon. fol. 416.

28 Reg. Bourchier, fol. 40.

29 Pat. 34 Hen. VI. m. i6,

30 Ibid. m. 17.

31 Ibid.

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