��J. HIS diocese contains the whole county of Hereford, except Ewyas Harrold, Walterstone, Dulas, Michael- church Eskley, St. Margaret's, Rollestone, Llandilo, Clodock cum Capellis Craswell, Longtown, and Llan- wenno, which belong to St. David. It has also the better part of Shropshire, four parishes in the county of Monmouth, six churches and chapels in the county of Montgomery, eight in the county of Radnor, and twenty-one in the county of Worcester, all under the archdeaconries of Hereford ' and Salop.
In the cathedral are a dean, two archdeacons, a pre- centor, chancellor, treasurer, and twenty-eight pre- bendaries, &c.
At the council of Hertford holden in the year 673 it was decreed that additional bishops should be insti- tuted in Christian England, but especially in the pro- vince of Mercia, then embracing nearly one half of the country, and in which there was only one episcopal
��1 The deanery of the Forest, from the deanery of Irchinfield,
which was in the diocese of and placed within the diocese of
Gloucester, but not within the LlandafF, by order in council
archdeaconry of Hereford, was dated 31st Jan. 1844; and the
severed from the said archdea- deanery of Bridgnorth (locally
conry, and made part and parcel situated between the dioceses of
of the archdeaconry of Glouces- Hereford and Lichfield) was
ter, by order in council dated added to the diocese of Hereford
5th Oct. 1836; and the parts of and placed in the archdeaconry
the deanery of Irchinfield, which of Salop, by order in council 19th
were situate in the county of Dec. 1846. Twelve parishes in
Monmouth, except so much of the county of Hereford, that had
that deanery as in no part of its been originally in the diocese of
boundary touched upon the ex- St. David, were also annexed to
isting boundary line of the dio- the diocese of Hereford by order
cese of Llandaflf,were subtracted in council dated 15th May 1852.
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