his profession of obedience to archbishop Simon 14th July 1 j6 1 . Shortly before hie death the Pope wished to remove him to Lichfield \ but he declined the change, and chose rather to n -i_ r n his bishopric than bo compelled to translate to an inferior see. He re- tired to < lanterbury, where he lived twenty-four weeks, and there died 10th March 1397 8 K On the retire- ment of John de Bokingham, the Pope appointed
1398 i 1 1 : \ i; > Beai 1 >i; i , dean <>/ W- "-: as hia saocessor. 12Ric.ll. He was oonseorated 14th July [398, and the Bang restored to him the temporalities 19th July'. In 1404 he was translated to Winchester* . and
1405 Philip Repington or Repindon, S.T.P., abbot of Loir 6 ii.n. iv. cotter and chancellor of Oxford, same in by papal pro- vision the bull dated xiii Cal Dec. (19th N<v. 114C4 1 . I [< had the temporalities n si >r< d to him 28th March 14 Mid was consecrated the nexl daj He
voluntarily resigned the see 10th Oct, 14191 and the Pope accepted it 2is1 N01 He was made a cardinal 19th Sept. 14 8 ( At his death, he was buried near bishop Greathead in Linooln cathedral. Hi- will was proved in August 1 4 34
��55 Proteeaio Johannia Lincoln. H 1 brother ot Henry
Simoni Cantnar. arcbiepiscopo. tbe Fourth. Rot. Fin. 5 Hen. IV.
Memorandum quod ii Id. Jul. m
1363 Dominua Johannes <le Pat. >a B I! p. 1. m.31.
Bokingham put Lincoln P I Hen. IV. p. a. m. 3.
\cnit ad eccleaiam Cantuar. cui He died nth April 1447- ;i1 "'
prior ft capituhun occurrebant was buried in Winchester cathe-
Bolempni proceaakme, etc. Heir- dral.
Islip. ,;| R^K- Arundel, fol. 20.
w Pat. aa Ric. II. p. 1. m. 31. Pat.( H IV. p. 2. m.31.
'" vi M. Mar. 1398 obiit Reg. Arundel, fol. 39. iv
rend, pater Joins - Kal. April. [1405] incipit pri-
kyngham m quondam episcopus mua annus consecrationii I
Lincoln, qui per xxxvi. annus Repyndon.
ecclesiam Lincolniae landabiliter 1! pynd. foL 103.
rexit, el tandem per Dominum I .VH. Pent, el Cardin.
Bonifacium episcopum tran-la- tom. ti. CoL 766. edit. 1677.
tus ruerat ad ecclesiarn licbfeld, ,; Reg. Chichel. fol. 373. ,174- Reg. Wincbelsey, f. 34.
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