1U SHOPS. 243
that church 2 ?, having announced to the King the death of William their bishop, his majesty issued his license to the chapter t<> eleel another bishop in his room 23rd Feb. i22o-3o-' s ; in pursuance of which 1230 Elias de Radnor, treasurer of Hereford, was elected,
14 Hen. III. and obtained the royal assent 30th Aug. 1230-. Ho was consecrated on the first Sunday in Advent (1st Dec.) 30 following. He died [3th May 124c) 31 . 1240 William of Chbist< in b< b appears to have succeeded
24 Hen. in. Eliae de Radnor, but the date of Ins election does not
appear. Ho resigned the sec in 1 244 -'. and a license
issued joth July in that year, to elect a bishop in his
room 33 ; in pursuance of which,
1:44 William de Bubgo was elected, and obtained the
28Hen.HI. royal assent and restitution of the temporalities 1 7th July 1244". lie was conseorated at ('arrow, near Norwich, in the same year 35 , and died 1 ith Juno 1 253. A license to elect a bishop in the room of William de Burgo issued 13th June 1253"'; in pur- suance of which 1254 John de la Waee, abbot of Morgan, was elected, and
37Hen.HI. received the royal assent to his election 26th July 1253 '", and the temporalities 11th Aug. 38 He was consecrated on the Sunday after the Epiphany follow- ing 39 (11th Jan.) 1253 4, and enthroned 26th Feb.
��27 The custody of the tempo- 3 - Pat. 28 Hen. III. m. 3.
ralities during the voidance was 33 Ibid. " Quia eadem eccle-
granted to the said Maurice and sia vacat per resignalionem AVil-
Ivor. Pat. 14 Hen. III. p. 2. lielmi de Christi ecclesia."
m. 5. 34 R ex . absolvit Will, de Burgo
2tJ Pat. 14 Hen. III. p. 2. m. 5. de omnibus compotis de tempore
29 Pat. 14 Hen. III. p. 1. m. 3. quo ipse statuit in officio de Gar-
30 Reg. Islip. deroba sua. 15th Jul. Pat. 28
31 Ob. hi Id. Maii 1240. An- Hen. III. m. 3.
nal. Teoksb. Maurice, archdea- 35 Reg. Eccl. Cantuar.
con of Llandaff, appears to have 36 p a t. 37 Hen. III. m. 9.
been elected by the chapter ; but 37 Ibid. m. 3.
the election was quashed, the 38 Ibid. m. 2.
King not approving of it. Annal. 39 Annal. Teoksb. Teoksb.
1 i 2
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