Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/183

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William Whitfeld 53 , A.M., 1 6th Jan. 1694-5, vice cession of Altham 53 .

James Joshia Burton, 2nd Jan. 1 707-8 D4 .

Thomas Hilman, 28th June 1736 55 .

Edmund Maeten died possessed of this stall in 1751.

Sackvillk Tuenee, 26th Nov. 1751, vice Edmund Marten deceased .

Richard Browxe, 3rd Oct. 1752, vico Turner de- ceased-^.

George Secker, 25th Oct. 1754, vice Browne 58 . Ob. in 1768.

Charles Sturges, 3rd June 1768, vice Seeker '.

Robeet Wixti.k, i ithJuue 1 805, vice Charles Sturges 60 . Ob. 24th Aug. i<S48,setat. 76.

George Robeet Gleig, instituted 29th Dec. 1848, and installed 26th Jan. 1849, v ' cc Robert Wintle 61 .

��52 Cum mense Januarii supe- praebenda de Willesdon inserta

riori anno 1694-5 dictus Williel- fuerit loco praebenda Neesdon

mus Wbitfeld collatus fuerit ad qua de causa collatio supra-

praebendam de Willesden, tunc scripta dicti Willielmi Wbitfeld

temporis non vacantem. Notum ad praebendam de Neesdon boc

igitur facimus per presentes quod anno repetita fuit. Bisbops'

dicta collatio dictiWilliebni Wbit- Certificates,

feld ad praebendam de Willesden 5;i Reg. Compton, f. 147.

designata fuerit per nos episco- r >4 Bishops' Certificates, pum antedictum ad prebendam de Neesdon suprascriptam eo tempore vacantem, verum autem errore scriptoris in autographis


�& 6 Ibid.

�57 Ibid.

�58 Ibid.

�> Ibid.

�eo Ibid.

�6i Ibid.

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