King 4th Nov. 1499: void by the promotion of Jan '.
He died at Borne 5th Aug. 1501, and was buried in
the Vatican church there. Francis, archbishop of Byzantium, and archdeacon of Welh } was presented by the King to this dignity in
the vacancy of the see 19th March [5012 : \<>id by
the death of John Lopez 3 . He died in [502: In.' was
a prince of the empire. Richard Rawson, S.T.P., was collated 24th Jan.
1502-3: void by the death of Francis 53 . He died
in '.")+.; Edward Mowle, arch f London, was collated
yth Oct. 14;: void by the death of Rawson 54 . Ho
died in 1 558.
Thomas Darbyshire, LL I)., was collated 22nd Oct. 1558: void by the death of Mowle 55 . He was de- prived in the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign, and died at Penta Mousson, in Lorraine, in 1^04.
Thomas (mi. A.M.. was eollat' d 3rd dan. 1539-60:
void by the deprivation of Darbyshire ". He died in
157 1 . lie held the prebend of Rugmere in 1.564. John Walker, S.T.P., was collated 10th July 1571 :
void by the death of Cole '. He resigned about Aug.
1585. lie also was prebendary of Mora. William Tabor, S.T.B., was collated 2-th Aug. 1585:
void by the resignation of Walker '\ He resigned in
1602. Samuel Harsnj i, A. ,M., prebendary of Mapesbury, was
collated i;th Jan. 1612-3 : void by the resignation of
Tailor \ He resigned in 1609, on being made bishop
of Chichester. George Goldman, S.T.P.. was collated SthNov. 1609:
v<>id by the resignation of Baronet 60 . He died about
�� Reg. Hill. f. 34. *6 Reg. Grindal, f. 112.
'-' Ibid. f.39. 57 Ibid. f. 161.
M [bid.f.41. - [bid. f. 221.
1 Reg. Bonner, f. 14,-,. w j^g Bancroft, f. 32.
" Ibid. f. 477. [bid.f. 130.
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