Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 1.djvu/736

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728 FEDEEAIi REPOETBB. �mode of operation of the parts covered by the daims in snch patents. �4. That the connection or combination of a patented device or improvement with other devices may be the Bubject of a valid subsequent patent, �Accordingly, then, the patent of 1867 must be held to be valid, and, as the defendant is proved to have infringed it, there must be a decree for the complainant, as prayed for. �Note. — Bee Balcock v. Judd, anie, 408. ���Heynsohn V. Mberiman and othera. [District Court, 5. D. New York. April 7, 1880. �Wages — DisABLKD Sbaman Lkft by Masteis in FoKEia:^ Port. — A seaman, though siok, who is left by the raaster in a l'oreigu port, wlth- out hia consent and without being dischaiged, is entitled to his wages up to the end of the voyage, or until lie can get back to his home port. �Bame— Rbv. St. } 4582— Patmbnt to Coksolin Foreign Port.— Sec tion 4582 of the Revised Statutes, bas no application to a seaman dis- charged in a foreign port without his consent ; and enf orced payment of •wages to a foreign consul, under the provisions of that atatute^ will no'. affect the riglits of the libellant. �In Admiralty. �Alexander e Ask, for libellant. �Andreivs e Smith, for defendants. �Choate, J. This is a suit for wages. The libellant shipped, as able seaman, on the bark John Zittlosen, of which de- fendant was master, at New York, January 3, 1875, on a voy- age to Queenstown, and thence to certain other ports, and back to a port of discharge in the United States — the voyage not to exceed 14 months, at $20 a month wages. �About June 5, 1875, the bark arrived at Buenos Ayres, with the libellant sick on board, and he was placed in a hos- pital there soon after the ship's arrivai, and remained in the hospital 16 days, when the master again took him on board, and he continued to work on board for about 35 days, when, being again sick and unable to work, he requested the mas- ter to send him to the hospital again. The master put him ��� �