Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 2.djvu/215

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208 FEDERAL REPORTES. �make billiard tables with the aides of the body run under, somewhat after the fashion of what are known as 'French' tables or 'ogee ' tables; but in ail this kind of tables the sides or broad rails bave been so formed and so arranged relatively to the extreme upper edge of the table, or to the edge of the cushion rail, that the lower part of the sides, or that portion likely to be on a level with the bended knee of the player, obstrueted the advance leg of the player; besides which objection the legs of the table were not placed far enough under to be always entirely out of the way of the players' feet, and the curved or ogee form of the sides ren- dered the manufacture of such tables very expensive. My invention bas for its object to overcome ail these objection- able features in the structure and form of the table, and to provide a billiard table which, while it shall be equally as strong and durable in construction as either of the kinds heretofore made, and equally as desirable in ail other re- spects, shall embody the great advantage of having its broad rails (or the lower portion of its sides) and feet so located as to be always entirely out of the way of the legs and feet of the player, and so as to permit the player to^laoe his bended knee as far under the cushion rail and table bed as may be necessary to effect the placement of his bridge hand as far as possible from the ciishion, and, at the same time, properly support his center of gravity or maintain his equilibrium; and to these ends and objects my invention eonsists in a bil- liard table in which the broad rails are so bevelled or inclined under, and so arranged with the cushion rails (or edge of the table) and the table bed, that while the latter shall be prop- erly supported the broad rails shall always be out of the way of the player's bended knee, as will be hereinaf ter more fully explained. �"To enable those skilled in the art to make and use my invention I will more fully explain the construction and oper- ation thereof, referring by letters to the accompanying draw- ings, in which figure 1 is a side elevation, and figure 2 a vertical cross section of a billiard table, made according to my invention. The bed B, the cushion rails C, with their ����