Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 2.djvu/533

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526 FEDEBaL BEFOBTER. �desire to join as petitioners in said petition as aforesaid, and did 80 join, and wliose names also appear upon said tax list or assessment roll, do represent a majority of the tax payera of said town of Potter, as shown by the said last preceding tax list or assessment roll, the same being the tax list or assessment roll of the year 1870, and do represent a majority of the taxable property of the said town of Pot- ter, as shown by said last preeeding tax list or assessment roll, that the said amoant of bonds named in sueh petition does not exceed 20 per cent, of the whole amount of taxable property, as shown by the said tax list or assessment roll, and it is hereby adjudged and determined by the said county judge, and the said county judge doth hereby adjudge and determine, in purauance of the etatutes in such case made and provided, that the said petitioners whose names appear upon said tax list or assessment roll, and the other tax payers, aforesaid, of said town who did then and there on such pro- ceedings appear before him, and express a desire to join as petitioners in said petition as aforesaid, and did so join, and whose names also appear upon said tax list or assessment roll, do represent a majority of the tax payers of said town of Potter, as shown by said last preceding tax list or assess- ment roll, the same being the tax list or assessment roll of the year 1870, and do represent a majority of the taxable property of said town of Potter, as shown by said preeeding tax list or assessment roll ; and the said county judge hereby orders and directs that this judgment and determination be duly entered of record with the olerk of the county of ïates aforesaid, and the said county judge, in pursuance of the statute in such cases made and provided, doth hereby order adjudge and decree that Morris B. Flinn, John Southerland, and Lyman Loomis, who are freeholders, residents and tax payers within the corporate limits of the said town of Pot- ter, be and they are hereby appointed and commissioned by said county judge as commissioners for said town of Potter, for the purposes and uses provided for in chapter 907 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1869, and acta amendatory of the laws. In witness whereof, the said county ����