Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 3.djvu/522

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Ci.UFBELIi V. JAUE8. 015 �therein as shall be certîfied by the court in which suoh sait or proceeding shall be had to be reasonable and proper, aad approved by the secretary of the treasury; and yrhere a recov- ery shall be had in any such suit or proceedings, and the court shall certify that there was probable cause for the act done by the coUector or other officer, or that he acted under the directions of the secretary of the treasury or other proper oflScer of the govemment, no execution shall issue against suoh coUector or other officer, but the amount se recovered shall, npon final judgment, be provided for and paid out of the proper appropriation from the treasury." So much of said section 12 as is not to be found in section 989 of the Eevised Statutes is found in sections 827 and 834. �The above section 989 is found in title 13 of the Eevised Statutes, entitled "The Judiciary," and in chapter 15 thereof, entitled "Procedure." It is provided by section 5S76 of the Eevised Statutes that the 73 titles thereof embrace the stat- utes of the United States, general and permanent in their na- ture, in force on the first day of December, 1873, as revised and Consolidated by commissioners appointed under the act of June 27, 1866, (14 U. S. St. at Large, 74.) Section 6600 of the Eevised Statutes provides that "the arrangement and classification of the several sections of the Eevision have been made for the purpose of a more convenient and orderly ar- rangement of the same, and therefore no inferenee or pre- sumption of a legislative construction is to be drawn by rea- son of the title under which any particular section isplaced.** The act of March 3, 1863, is- entitled "An act to prevent and punish frauds upon the revenue, to provide for the more epeedy and certain collection of olaims in favor of the United States, and for other purposes. " In section 2 are found the ■words "frauds upon the revenue;" in sections 3, 4 and 6 the words "any officer of the revenue;" in section 5 the words "the revenue laws;" in section 7 the words "any fraud on the revenue;" in section 11 the words "the revenue laws;" and in sections 12 and 13 the words "coUeetors or other officers of the revenue." ����