Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 3.djvu/58

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lEWIN ». TOWN OF OKTABIO. 61 �that the said sum of $107,000 does not exceed in amotint 25 per cent, of the taxable property assessed and appearing upon the last assessment roll of said town; and these depo- nents further say, and each for himself says, that they are ail of the assessors of said town of Ontario, and that they have now ail met together as a board of assessors to perform the duty required of them in and by said act, and the aot amendatory thereof. �"J. M. BiSHOP, "Joseph Middlbton, "John Lickinson, �"Assessors. "Subscribed and Bwom to before me this thirtieth day of April, 1S70. �"L. E. BOYNTON, �"Justice of the Peace." This affidavit was marked as filed December 23, 1870. Then foUowed five papers, usually known as consents of tax payers, which were in ail respects alike, and were each signed by sundry tax payers of said town, the signatures to which ■were verified by an affidavit of a subscribing witness, as here- inafter stated. �The said consents were in the foUowing form : "Consent of tax payers of the town of Ontario, in the county of Wayne, that said town may issue bonds and take stock in and for the construction of the Lake Ontario Shore Eailroad : The undersifïned, tax payers of the town of Ontario, in th«  county of Wayne, state of New York, hereby consent, in writ- ing, that the railroad commissioners appointed for said town of Ontario, in pursuance of the provisions of an act entitled 'An act to authorize certain towns in the countiesof Oswego, Cayuga and Wayne to issue bonds and take stock in and for the construction of the Lake Ontario Shore Eailroad,' passed May 11, 1868, and the act amendatory thereof, passed April 19, 1869, (chapter 241 of the Laws of 1869,) may borrow, on the faith and credit of the town of Ontario, in said county, the sum of $107,000, that being an amount not exceeding 20 per cent, of the valuation of said town of Ontario, as shown ����