Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 3.djvu/631

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62e FEDERAL BBPOBTEB. �ing in advance such security as he may judge necessary to secure payment therefor to the treasury of the United States within the time prescribed for such payment ; �"And, whereas, adhesive stamps have been delivered, or hereafter may be delivered, to said James H. Weedon, by virtue of said authority : �"Now, therefore, if the said James H. Weedon shall, on or before the tentb day of each and every month, make a state- jnent of his account upon form 65|- of the internai revenue bureau, and upon such other form or forma as may hereafter be added thereto^ or upon such other form or forma as may hereafter be submitted therefor, showing the balance due at the commencement of the month, the amount of stamps reçoive and the amount of money remitted by him during the month, and the balance due from said James H. Weedon at the close of the month next preceding, and shall do and perform ail other acts of him required to be done in the premises, according to law and regulations; shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the treasurer of the United States, for the use of the United States, ail and every such Bum or sums of money as he, the said James H. Weedon, may owe to the United States for adhesive or other stamps ■which have been or shall be delivered to him, or vrhich bave been or shall be forwarded to him, according to his request or order, within the time prescribed for payment for the same according to law, and shall and will pay or cause to be paid to the said treasurer, for the use aforesaid, each and every Bum of money as shall become due or payable to the United States, at the time and on the days each sum shall respect- ively become due or payable, then the above obligation to be void and of no effect, otherwise to be and remain in fuU force and virtue." �The pleas filed were nil debit, and that the loss, if any, was the fault of the plaintiff, and not that of defendants. Errors in pleading were waived. �To support the issue on the part of the plaintiff the district attorney offered in evidence the transcript of the account of James H. Weedon with the treasury departmlent, as certified ����