Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 3.djvu/885

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878 FBDEBAJi BEPOBTBB. �pilot to Btay by tîU he could be brought into the slip and his voyage was ended, or he could have retained the services of the tug to aid him to remove his vessel if the wind changed, or he could have Bought some more safe place at a different anchorage, or at a piei; on the west side of the river. As it waB, he was induced to let the pilot and the tug both go, and, practically, was deprived of ail means of relief and escape from the danger till the next day. �It has been attempted to show that there was no safer place to whioh the vessel could have been taken during the night. I think the point is not sustained by the evidence, nor does it seem to be set up in the answer. But the pres- ence of the pilot himself would have afforded some protec- tion, and it is not shown that if he had given notice of the danger the vessel could not have escaped the damage which it has suffered. It was ineumbent on the respondent to show that she could not. This he has not done. Fortunately the injury is very elight ; it might weil have been the sinking of the vessel and the loss of the cargo. �Decree for libellant, with cosis, and reference to compute damages. ���MoGausiiAnd V. Thb Stbam-Pbopelleb Dklawabb. �[District Court, S. D. Meie York. , 1880.) �y. CoIjI,ision — Canal — Gheen Light. — The rules of the Delaware & Kari- tan Canal require canal-boats in motion to carry a gmall green lighl over the stem. Heîd, that a globe lantern, with a piece of green glass inserted on the outside between the glass of the lantern and the wire fender, of an oval shape, about four and a half inches long up and down, and tbree and a half inches wide in the center, and bo arranged, with reference to the flame, that the green rays extended 40 degrees on each side of the line on which the boat was moving, was a email green light within the rule. �Thos. M. Wheeler, for libellant. S. B. Ransom, for claimant. �Choate, D. J. This is a suit to recover damages sustained by the canal-boat S. Craig in a collision with the steam-pro- ����