Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 5.djvu/23

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ZiEONARD V. aSANT. 11 �the plaintiff, a citizen of Oregon, and Hawkett and the Eob- insons, citizens of California, and does not even concem the other defendants.. �Ttie motion to remand is denied. ���Lbonaud V. Geant. �{Circuit Court, JD. Oregon, December 15, 1880.) �1. Plea to THE JtriiiSDiCTiON. — The beginning and conclusion of. �2. AiiiEH WoMBN — Mahhiagb op TO A CITIZEN. — Under seetiou 2 of the �act of February 10, 1675, (section 1994, Rev. St.,1 an alien ■woman ôf the race or class of persons that are entitled to be naturallzed under ex- isting laws, who is married to a citizen of the United States, becomes by that act a citizen of the United Btates ; and such admission to cit- izensbip has the same force and efiect as if such woman had been naturalized by the judgment of a competent court �3. Same. — The clause in the statute aforesaid, " might herself be lawfuUy �naturalized," does not require that the woman shall have the qualifi- cations of residence, good character, etc., as in case of admission to citizenshlp in a judicial proceeding, but it is sufficient if she is of the class or race of persons who may be naturalized under existing laws. �Action at Law. �C. J. MacDougall, for plaintiff. �George H. Durham, for defendant. �Deadt, D, J. This action is brought by the plaintiff, the widow of the late D. G. Leonard, against the defendant, as administrator of his estate, to recorer the sum of $624,30, with interest, the same being the one-third of the rents and profits of the real property of the deceased, in which the plaintiff was entitled to dower, receiyed by the defendant as such administrator between the death of said Leonard, on January 16, 1878, and the sale of said property by the de- fendant, on February 22, 1879. �The plaintiff alleges that she is a citizen of the republic of Switzerland and an alien, and that the defendant is a citizen of Oregon. ����