Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 5.djvu/642

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630 PEDBBAL BBPOBTER. �the state courts in admiralty and maritime causes, and be- sides that the provisions of section 4285, whieh take away their jurisdiction entirely pending this proceeding after trans- fer, the state courts could not give that relief, even under the saving clause of section 563, since the remedy sought is not a remedy which the common law was competent to give, as pointed out in Norwich Co. v. Wright, 13 Wall. 123. The supreme court of Massachusetts, indeed, say in the case above eited (113 Mass. 502) that under the statute of that state the ship-owner has a remedy in the nature of a bill in equity. The court evidently overlooked the fact that under section 563, this being a maritime cause, remedies which courts of equity are competent to give, as distinguished from those which courts of common law are competent to give, are not saved to the suitors in the state courts by that section. The^ B. F. Woolsey, 3 Fed. Eep. 457; S. C. circuit court on appeal,. 4 Fed. Eep. 552. �These considerations dispose off ail the questions presented.^ Exceptions overruled. Motions to dismiss petition and set aside monition and vacate restraining order denied. Ail par- ties who have appeared and have not filed formai claims, or have not answered the amended petition, may file claims and answer within two weeks after notice of the entry of this order. ���Hamilton, etc., v. Babk Kate Ieving, �(District Court, D. Mwryland. February 4, 1881.) �1. Genehal Cabgo— Bleaching Powdbrs and Cotton Ties— Stowagr — LiABiLrrY OF Ship. �Iron cotton ties were shipped in a general ship. They were sto wed next to bleaching powders and soda ash, with not over three feet between. After a rough voyage the cotton ties were found to be cor-^ roded by particles of bleaching powder which had sif ted on to them. Edd, that the destructive eSect to gotton ties of contact with bleach- ing powders being well known, it was not proper stowage to place- them 80 near together without adequate precaution to guard against injury. �The Svend, 1 Pbd. Rep. 54. �Mainwaring v. Carrie Delap, 1 Fbd. Rep. 874. ����