Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 5.djvu/748

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736 FEDERAL REPORTER. �ants be perpetually enjoined from further publishing or sell- ing, transferring or removing, any of said bocks. �And as it doesinot !appear what number of said volumes have been published by said defendants Bernard Callaghan, Andrew Callaghan, Andrew P. Callaghan, and Sheldon A. Clark, or the value of said complainant's volumes before the illegal publication and sale by the said defendants of the copies thereof, it is ordered that this matter be referred to Henry W. Bishop, one of the masters of this court, to ascer- tain and report what number of each of said volumes have been printed, and what number have been sold, and at what priee, by said last-named defendants, and that the defend- ants last named may be examined in regard thereto, and they may be required to produce their account-books and papers, and that said master also ascertain and report what was the market value of each of said books of complainant prior to the said illegal publication of said books by the defendants last named. �And also what was the actual cost or value of reprinting and binding each of said volumes ; and that, upon the making of such report, said complainant have leave to apply for a further order in regard to the damages to be allowed for the said illegal publication and sale of said volumes. �And the soliciter for complainant having made application herein, upon the suggestion that since the filing of the biU in this cause said defendants last named have proceeded to pub- lish and sell copies of the books desoribed in said bill as vol- umes Nos. 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 4.5, and 46 of said Illinois Eeports, and upon the fUrther suggestion that such publica- tion is in violation of the rights of said complainant, it is ordered that he have leave to file a supplemental bill herein in regard thereto. ����