Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 5.djvu/795

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the oaae, to throw ànyidoubt àpon tlieiaetuil gobdiaith of Hbô dëfôndant in pureHaBmg'j 6ocn|»ying, iûiproving, and'-payiug taxes on the land for over thirieeti years; andi think histitie by adverse possession gbod. Finding, "Judgment ftfr the de- fendant." i^Tort/i V. iiamnwr, 34 Wis:425v ' ^^'■ ���on: ���In re DoNtiEijEi and BitJGHES, eankriipta. �] {SistrietOçurti D. ]!}'eui Jerm-MAo^vj^flSSlf) ^ -' �1. BaNKETJPTOT— ATTACtominv-CoNTBSTiNa ÀDropiÇATION. �!' The crediter' ol an in voluntary baukrupt,>who has ëbtained aprëf^ erônceover pthpr çreijitofs by procejedirigs; ib attadunent against'hr» �' debtor, will be ,^llowed to, pome ii^ J)y petitipi?i, an^ poi^tçat the yalij^i|;^ of the adjudication in banirjiptcy. , �2. Samb — JuBisDicTiôN— DteFBeTiVB VESmcATioN! '^^ ' y/' i 'The faille ôf a ndtàijr tti-àfiax- hie'nbtariftliseàHo the Verldcatioti , of a creditor'^.psQtitifiUiiaBdAhe proofa of debte of' isiijoh icrëSitors in!s �case of invo|lmitary baif^ruptcy, will not def eat the juriadjçticjn' o;^ ,th§ court. — [Wa, ' ' ,■ ■ ■■ ..,-•' , ,^ , , . ^ ' �In Bankruptcy^ ; On application te: sôt aside baiûkHlpte'y proceedings. .i. 1 ,1 1' r id �B. F. Saict/er, for creditat ^HlàraE. -Dudley. r; fl i -: Jahn Schomp, for assigaee «uid peti'bioiiing creaitorS;> 'C -"^ > �Nixon, D. J. . Tfais is an application 1» the court tcy vacatô pind set aside the adjudicatioaiofittaiiikruptoy made inithà case for lackof juriadiction. ' > ',<' !V. r ; ■!./ r.[.,;- f^aijis u- �It appeara ihat the^alleged bioiikruptôi .Donaelly ife HMglôs] carrying on the busiiiessiof butoàera in the oity. of Patersoni liew Jersey, on theieleventh dfeyof Juiyi l'87T, puM'ha«ed'ôi the ; petitioner, Willard E . Dadley, at Jieiisey Gity, M' ; àead bi cattle, at the priee of'fl,941';70i ■p'ayiag: fot- the, sanibv:iti their ohecka, .payabJje some'idaj'Siafter date;-' thM» 'the* bat^ tle were driten over to the city^of ^NeW' York 'ftttd'Hslaitgh- iered, and^sold in thjC Washington marketi ba the ûielfifti^t after tha .pur^hksei to ^ariôus'purchaeersiifti» «ucli prieesi'as couldbe obtpiried for th'ô'Saeieiitha't 'the' saidf'Iiiidfcfy.y'b^ia'g advised of these, proceedings- ibefoireithe pvo^eieAk hME *hW%a£l6 ����