Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/194

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182 FEOBBAIi BBPOBTEB. �large scale the roller over which a piece of brald is to be fed, and illustrating -some of the varieties of stitch that may be made bj the use of my improvements. Braids of straw, etc., are usually sewed together by hand. The stitch comraonly employed is a long one, and of sueh a charaeter that little or none of the thread appears upon what is usually termed the right side; and sewing machines without my improvements ■ wrepractically uselessfor the purpose, as ail of them that I know of seiv a seam shoiving upon the right side a thread reaching from needle-puncture to needle-puncture, the whole length of the seam. My improrements are applicable, under certain changes of form, to most, ifnot ail, of the sewing machines now in use, and making different varieties of stitch, the precise method of con- forming the loops of upper thread, passed through the goods by an eye-pointed piercing needle, being immaterial so far as the sewing of straw is concerned ; but I have experimented chiefly upon shuttle machines, and reduced my invention to practice on such a machine, and have, in the drawings, shown my improvements as applied to, and acting in combination with, a Singer shuttle machine with a transverse shuttle. These and other sewing machines are so well known in the market, and to manufacturers and workmen, that any detailed description of the construction or operation thereof is deemed unnecessary. [My] The nature of my invention consists [of certain combinations of mechanical devices which are set forth in the claims at the close of this specification.] first, in the combination of a roUer, or its equivalent, with the needle of a sewing machine and thefeeding apparatus thereof, when the three are arranged and act in combination with each other, substantially as specified ; and, also, in the conibination, with a sewing -machine needle and a roller or bending 8ttrface,of a contrivance forguid- ing the needle itself at some points above the material being sewed, thu» forcing the needle to pierce a proper distance from the roller, as hereinafter tet forth. And my invention also consists in combining with a sewing-machine needle and a roUer, or its equiv- alent, for mahin0 a.turn or bend in braid to be sewed, a vibrating needle-guide, or proper apparatus for vibrating a needle, the operation being to cause the needle to pierce braid nearer to, or ��� �