Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/199

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STEAW SEWING MACHINE 00. V. EAMBS. 187 �itself to both, so as not to wrinkle either, and in order also to regulate tlle ourvature of the seam, I intend to make one feed move, at each stiteh, through a greater distance than the otiier does. This object may be attained most easily by ad- vancing two feeding-bars by the same cam, and by regulating their retreating motions by separate stops, one or both of -which may be adjustable, andacting like theadjustable feed-regula- tors well known to constructors of sewing machines. I do not claim a vibrating needle simply, nor a guide for a needle, nor rollers, or bars, or guides for cloth or braid, by themselves, or out of the combinations in which I employ them, so as to pro- duce the desired effect." Omitting from the foregoing specifi- cation the parts enclosed in brackets, and taking in what is in italics, produees the original specification. The claims of the re-issue are as follows: "(1) The combination, substantially as before set forth, of an eye-pointed needle, a roller or its equiva- lent, over which the braid to be sewed is bent, a feed appa- ratus or mechanism, a gauge for the upper braid, and a guide for the lower braid ; (2) the combination, substantially as be- fore set forth, of an eye-pointed needle, a roller or its equiv- alent, over which the braid to be sewed is bent, a feed ap- paratus, two gauges for the upper braid, (one at each of its edges,) and a guide for the lower braid ; (3) the combination, substantially as before set forth, of an eye-pointed needle, a roller or its equivalent, around which braid can be bent, and a needle-guide, the three being arrangea and acting in com- bination substantially as specified; (4) the combination, substantially as before set forth, of a vibrating eye-pointed nee'Ue, substantially as specified, with a roller, around which braid can be bent or turned, and feed apparatus ; the mode of operation of the combination being substantially such as set forth." The claimS of the original patent were as follows : "(1) The combination of a sewing-machine needle with a roller or its equivalent, and with a feed apparatus or mech- anism, when the needle and roller are so arranged rela- tively to each other that braid can be sewed by a needle pierc- ing and leaving the braid or other material on the same side thereof ; the combination being substantially such as described. ��� �