Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/244

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232 PBDEBAL EEPOBTEB. �(6) A lot of land at the north-east corner of Chestnut Street and Newton avenue, triangle, by deed dated October �26, 1876; sold as the property of Mary M. Douglas, for the term of two years, for $18.71, for taxes, etc., due for the year 1874. This appears to be the same lot as No. 4, above described. �(7) Three frame houses and lots of land, situate at Nos. 1020, 1022, and 1024 Newton avenue, by deed dated Novem- ber 29, 1872; sold as the property of Mary M. Douglas, for the termof one year, for $36.90, due for taxes, etc., in 1871. �(8) The same lots lastly described, by deed dated March �27, 1873; sold as the property of Mary M. Douglas, for the terni of 300 years, for the sum of $17.40, the amount due on assessment for culvert in 1870. �(9) The same lots, by deed dated October 26, 1876, again Bold as the property of Mary M. Douglas, for the term of two years, for $36.29, amount of taxes, etc., in 1874. �(10) A lot of land on the west side of Broadway, 40 feet north of Chestnut street, being 98 feet in front and 60 feet in depth, by deed dated January 2, 1873 ; sold as the property of Mary M. Douglas, for the term of 90 years, for $41.25, taxes assessed for the year 1871 ; and again sold October 26, 1876, as the complainant's, for the term of two years, for $40.31, amount of taxes, etc, for the year 1S74. �The defendant further claims that he has paid for taxes and assessments, on the several lots thus held by him, as follows : On the twelfth of January, 1874, to A. Hugg, city solieitor, $32.77, for taxes on the lots described above, in No. 7, for the year 1872 ; and on the twenty-first of January, 1874, the fur- ther sum of $4.30, for culvert assessment. On the first of August, 1S74, to A. C, Jackson, receiver of taxes, $21.84, the taxes on Nos. 1 and 2 for 1874, less 5 per cent, for prompt pajment; and on the twenty-second of September, 1874, to A. Hugg, city solieitor, the further sum of $36.77, the taxes assessed on the same property in 1873. On the twelfth of January, 1874, to A. Hugg, city solieitor, $36.56, for taxes, etc., for 1872, on the above-described lot in No. 10. On the twelfth of January, 1876, to A. Hugg, city soliciter, $17.59, ��� �