Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 6.djvu/282

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�In BanSruptcy. Exceptions to the Eegister's Eeport. �White, McKnight e White; for assignee. �D. W. C. London, for Brown county. �D. W. Thomas, iox Moore and Dunn. �Swiis-G, D. J." From the report of the register it appears that on the twenty-fourth day of November, 1874, the com- missioners of Brown county, Ohio, recovered, in the court of common pleas of Brown county, a judgment against Eeece Jennings, the bankrupt, and 18 others, for $22,620.12, It further appears that, at the time of the rendition of said judg- ment, Eeece Jennings was the owner of two separate tracts of land situate in said county of Brown ; that af terwards, to- wit, on the twenty-third day of November, 1875, the commis^ sioners caused execution to be issued upon said judgment, which was levied upon one tract of said land only; that on the thirteenth day of June, 1877, James H. Dunn recovered in the common pleas court of Brown county, Ohio, a judg- ment against the said Eeece Jennings for the sum of $1,- 185.05; that Eeece Jennings, on the twenty-fourth day of August, 1877, in pursuance of a contract entered into on the seventeenth day of May, 1877, conveyed to Louisa Kaeble, in consideration of the sum of $2,257, the tract of land which was levied upon by virtue of the execution issued on the judg- ment in favor of said commissioners ; that on the twentieth day of October, 1877, E. C. Moore recovered, in the court of common pleas of Brown county, Ohio, a judgment against the said Eeece Jennings for the sum of $839.49. It further appears that the said Eeece Jennings, on his own petition, was, on the fourteenth day of December, 1877, adjudicated a bankrupt. It fiirther appears that no executions were issued upon the judgments in favor of James H. Dunn and E. G. I Moore. It further appears that the execution issued upon the judgment in favor of the commissioners of Brown county was a,l80 let'ied upon the lands of 16 other defendants, but it does not appear that an appraisement of any of the lands was made, nor does it appear what was the value of the .lands leyjed upon. By prpceedinga under orders of this court, the tract of land owned by the bankrupt, and not levied upon ��� �